Why Do Autistic People Like Trains?

Cam Russo
Why Do Autistic People Like Trains? Why Do Autistic People Like Trains?

Have you ever noticed how often trains pop up in conversations with autistic individuals or the autism community?

Perhaps you've noticed that trains are a recurring theme in toys, books, and TV shows geared toward autistic children.

This is far from a coincidence, and today we aim to unravel the mystery behind this widespread phenomenon.

Trains hold a special place in our collective consciousness with their rhythmic clatter and timeless charm.

They symbolize adventure, routine, and the satisfying click of gears fitting perfectly together, all wrapped in a comforting cocoon of predictability.

This fascination, however, seems to hold a unique intensity for autistic people of all ages.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Around 1 in 54 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making it an integral part of our societal fabric.

Autism Spectrum Disorder, commonly known as ASD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, behavior, and social interactions.

It's a spectrum condition that manifests in different ways and intensities in different individuals.

Autistic individuals often exhibit unique traits and characteristics. These may include:

  • Sensory sensitivities
  • A strong preference for routine and predictability
  • A fascination with patterns and details
  • The tendency to develop intense interests, often known as 'special interests.'

These special interests can range from dinosaurs and space exploration to—you guessed it—trains.

It's crucial to remember that these interests and traits are not flaws to be corrected but unique aspects of an individual's personality.

They can offer a window into their world, helping us understand their perspective better.

Acceptance, empathy, and understanding go a long way in fostering a supportive environment for autistic individuals.

Sensory Appeal

Low and high-functioning autism often comes with a unique sensory profile. Some individuals may seek sensory stimulation, while others may be hypersensitive to sensory input.

With their rhythmic movements, distinct sounds, and varied visual elements, trains can provide a rich sensory experience.

The clatter of wheels on the track, the whistle's piercing cry, and the visual spectacle of landscapes whizzing by can create a captivating sensory symphony for autistic individuals.

Order, Routine, and Predictability

One of the hallmarks of autism is a preference for routine and predictability. The world of trains fits into this preference like a glove.

Train schedules are a marvel of consistency and precision. The predictability of a train's route, stops, and timetable can anchor a world that often seems chaotic and unpredictable.

Enclosed and Consistent Environment

The enclosed environment of a train can also be reassuring.

With limited entry and exit points, a train compartment offers a manageable microcosm that minimizes overwhelming stimuli.

The social environment, too, is predictable and consistent—conversations are often limited and revolve around a common topic: the journey.

Visual Patterns and Fascination with Details

Autistic individuals often have an exceptional eye for detail and a deep appreciation for patterns.

Trains, with their intricate mechanics, endless tracks, and consistent rhythms, offer a smorgasbord of patterns and details to explore and understand.

Obsessive Interests and Hyperfocus

Autism is often characterized by the ability to focus intensely on a specific subject.

This hyperfixation can give way to a deep and loyal passion when directed toward trains.

The vast world of trains, with its rich history, complex mechanics, and varied designs, offers endless avenues for exploration, keeping this interest alive and thriving.

Benefits of the Train Fascination

The fascination with trains offers numerous benefits for autistic individuals.

It can serve as a platform for enhancing social interactions, developing skills, and even opening doors to employment opportunities.

Enhancing Social Interactions

Trains can serve as a common interest, a shared language that can make social interactions easier for autistic individuals.

Conversations about favorite trains, routes, and experiences can serve as ice-breakers, helping autistic individuals connect with others who share their interests.

Building Social Skills and Connections

Train clubs, railway museums, and model train exhibits—these spaces can offer opportunities for autistic individuals to develop social connections and foster relationships.

Online communities, too, offer a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and enthusiasm about trains.

Developing Focus and Attention to Detail

The fascination with trains can also support the development of concentration, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills.

Understanding the intricacies of train mechanics or figuring out complex train schedules can be engaging and rewarding mental exercises.

Providing a Platform for Learning and Employment

An extensive knowledge of trains can lead to various learning and employment opportunities.

Autistic individuals with a passion for trains may find rewarding careers in related fields, such as railway engineering, transportation planning, or even historical research related to trains.

Challenges and Misconceptions

Despite the numerous benefits, misconceptions, and challenges associated with the train fascination, stereotypes may paint autistic individuals as "obsessed" or "fixated" without understanding the comfort, joy, and benefits this interest brings.

There can also be challenges in terms of flexibility. Shifting interests or engaging in various activities can sometimes be difficult for those deeply invested in the world of trains.

However, these challenges can be navigated successfully with understanding, patience, and supportive intervention.

Embracing and Supporting Autistic Interests

It's time to shift our perspective and understand the unique interests of autistic individuals.

We must advocate for acceptance, provide inclusive spaces that cater to these interests, and celebrate the passion and expertise autistic individuals bring to their chosen subjects.

Inclusive spaces could include train-themed events, hobby clubs, or educational programs integrating the love for trains.

By doing so, we validate their interests and create an environment where they can thrive.

Valuing diverse interests is not just about fostering a supportive environment for autistic individuals—it's also about enriching our societal tapestry.

Trains and their world hold a special significance in the lives of many autistic individuals. They offer sensory satisfaction, structure, predictability, and an outlet for intense focus and passion.

But beyond this, they're a source of joy, comfort, and connection for those with autism.

Every time we understand and accept an autistic individual's love for trains, we step closer to a more empathetic and inclusive world.

Let's strive to build a society that acknowledges and appreciates neurodiversity, where everyone's passions are celebrated and everyone's contributions are valued.

Article Sources

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2023, April 4). Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved August 7, 2023, from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

  2. Daily Mail (2018, December 5). ‘Next time I see you I’ll break your legs’: Angry trainspotter threatens disabled teenager and tells him to move in ugly rant on station platform. Retrieved August 7, 2023, from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6464185/Angry-trainspotter-threatens-break-disabled-teenagers-legs-Walsall-station.html