Baby Won’t Sleep

When Do Babies Stop Catnapping?

Cam Russo
When Do Babies Stop Catnapping? When Do Babies Stop Catnapping?

Updated 10/1/2024

Sleep, the most coveted of all luxuries to new parents. And just when you’ve finally managed to get your little one to sleep, they wake up after a brief catnap, leaving you wondering, “Why so soon?”

If you’re a parent grappling with the puzzle of your baby’s catnap duration, this guide is for you.

What is a Baby Catnap?

Let’s start with the basics. In the parenting world, “catnap” is a term that refers to brief sleeps, typically lasting less than 40 minutes.

In a nutshell, when your baby takes short snoozes during the day instead of indulging in longer, more restful slumbers, they’re catnapping.

When do Babies Sleep Longer?

Sleep patterns in babies are as whimsical as their mood swings. But fret not. There’s a method to this madness.

As your baby grows, their sleep cycle changes too.

While newborns might sleep for most parts of the day, waking up only for feeds, older babies start distinguishing between day and night, leading to longer nighttime sleep.

Typically, by the age of 3-4 months, many babies begin to sleep for a longer stretch at night – a much-needed respite for sleep-deprived parents!

However, daytime naps may still be fragmented into several catnaps.

Baby Sleep Cycle Changes

To comprehend the shift from catnapping to full sleep in babies, it’s essential to understand infant sleep pattern development.

Babies, like adults, go through different stages of sleep, drifting between light and deep sleep.

However, their sleep cycles are far shorter, ranging from 20 minutes to a maximum of 60 minutes in the first few months.

Around the 4-6 month mark, babies’ sleep cycles start maturing, and they begin to nap for longer durations during the day.

This transition is an essential milestone, marking the shift from catnapping to consolidated daytime naps.

Catnapping to Full Sleep in Babies

The transition from fragmented catnaps to more extended, consolidated naps doesn’t happen overnight.

It’s a gradual process and can be influenced by several factors such as the baby’s age, developmental stage, feeding routine, and sleep environment.

Baby’s Age & Developmental Stage

As your baby grows and develops, their sleep patterns evolve too. Around the 4-6 month mark, many babies start showing signs of dropping catnaps and sleeping for longer stretches.

With the maturation of their sleep cycles, they gradually learn to connect these cycles and nap for longer during the day.

Feeding Routine

A baby’s feeding routine can significantly impact their sleep pattern. An adequately fed baby is likely to sleep for longer durations.

Therefore, ensuring that your baby is well-fed before nap times can help extend their nap durations.

Sleep Environment

The environment in which your baby sleeps plays a crucial role in determining the quality and duration of their sleep.

A dark, quiet room with minimal disturbances can create the perfect ambiance for your baby to sleep peacefully.

Baby Sleep Training: The Key to Longer Naps

If you’re wondering how to extend baby naps, baby sleep training could be the answer.

Sleep training involves teaching your baby to fall asleep independently and self-soothe when they wake up during their sleep cycles.

While the idea of sleep training may seem daunting, it’s not as scary as it sounds. It doesn’t mean leaving your baby to cry it out alone.

Instead, it’s about providing them with the tools and opportunities to learn to sleep independently.

Baby Sleep Schedules by Age

A baby sleep schedule by age can be a fantastic tool in your quest for longer baby naps.

By following a structured sleep schedule, you can ensure that your baby is getting the right amount of sleep they need at every stage of their development.

Here’s an example of one below!

Newborn (0-3 months)

  • Total Sleep: 14-17 hours per day
  • Nighttime Sleep: 8-9 hours (broken into 2-4 hour segments)
  • Daytime Naps: 5-6 naps, each lasting 15 minutes to 3 hours

Sample Schedule:

  • 7:00 AM: Wake and feed
  • 8:30 AM: Nap
  • 10:00 AM: Wake and feed
  • 11:30 AM: Nap
  • 1:00 PM: Wake and feed
  • 2:30 PM: Nap
  • 4:00 PM: Wake and feed
  • 5:30 PM: Short nap
  • 6:00 PM: Wake and feed
  • 8:00 PM: Bedtime
  • 11:00 PM: Nighttime feeding
  • 2:00 AM: Nighttime feeding
  • 5:00 AM: Nighttime feeding

Infants (4-11 months)

  • Total Sleep: 12-15 hours per day
  • Nighttime Sleep: 10-12 hours
  • Daytime Naps: 2-3 naps, each lasting 1-2 hours

Sample Schedule:

  • 7:00 AM: Wake and feed
  • 9:00 AM: Nap
  • 11:00 AM: Wake and feed
  • 1:00 PM: Nap
  • 3:00 PM: Wake and feed
  • 5:00 PM: Short nap
  • 6:00 PM: Wake and feed
  • 7:00 PM: Bedtime routine
  • 8:00 PM: Bedtime
  • 12:00 AM: Possible nighttime feeding
  • 4:00 AM: Possible nighttime feeding

    The schedule should be flexible and adaptable to cater to your baby’s evolving sleep needs.

    Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another.

    Baby Catnap Solutions: Tips and Techniques

    If you’re still grappling with a catnapping baby, here are some practical baby catnap solutions that can help:

    1. Create a Calm Sleep Environment: Dim the lights, maintain a comfortable room temperature, and use a white noise machine to create a soothing sleep environment.
    2. Establish a Pre-nap Routine: A consistent pre-nap routine can signal your baby that it’s time to sleep. This routine could include activities like reading a book, singing a lullaby, or giving a gentle massage.
    3. Feed Your Baby Before Naptime: A hungry baby is less likely to sleep peacefully. Make sure your baby is well-fed and burped before you put them down for a nap.
    4. Use a Pacifier: If your baby finds comfort in sucking, a pacifier can help soothe them and prolong their nap duration.
    5. Swaddle Younger Babies: Swaddling can provide a sense of security to younger babies and prevent them from waking up due to startle reflexes. However, remember to stop swaddling once your baby starts rolling over.
    6. Encourage Self-Soothing: Teach your baby to self-soothe by putting them in their crib when they’re drowsy but still awake. This can help them learn to fall asleep independently and extend their nap durations.

      Signs Baby is Dropping Catnaps

      As your baby grows, they’ll gradually start dropping catnaps and sleep for longer durations during the day.

      Here are some signs that might indicate your baby is ready to drop catnaps:

      • Your baby is fussier during nap times and takes longer to settle down.
      • They are sleeping for longer stretches at night and waking up refreshed and happy.
      • They remain playful and energetic even when it’s their usual naptime.

      The Role of Baby Sleep Regression

      Just when you thought you had your baby’s sleep schedule figured out, along comes a baby’s sleep regression.

      Sleep regressions are periods when a baby who has been sleeping well suddenly starts waking up at night and skipping naps.

      These periods are typically linked to your baby’s developmental milestones and can disrupt their sleep patterns.

      But worry not, these are temporary phases, and your baby’s sleep schedule should return to normal once they’ve moved past this developmental leap.

      Baby Sleep Apps

      In the digital age, a baby sleep app can be your best friend in navigating the complex world of baby sleep.

      Here are some of the most popular baby sleep apps available today!

      White Noise Baby

      • Features: Looping white noise sounds, baby rattle shake feature
      • Platform: iOS, Android
      • Price: Free with in-app purchases

      Baby Sleep Sounds

      • Features: Wide range of calming sounds including nature and household noises
      • Platform: Android
      • Price: Free

      Sleepy Sounds

      • Features: Lullabies, white noise, and a nightlight feature
      • Platform: iOS, Android
      • Price: Free with in-app purchases

      Lullaby for Babies

      • Features: Collection of high-quality lullabies
      • Platform: Android
      • Price: Free

      Sound Sleeper

      • Features: White noise, lullabies, and a sleep tracking feature
      • Platform: iOS, Android
      • Price: Free with in-app purchases

      Baby Sleep – White Noise

      • Features: Ambient sounds designed for baby sleep
      • Platform: Android
      • Price: Free

      Nighty Night HD

      • Features: Interactive bedtime storybook with calming narration
      • Platform: iOS
      • Price: Paid

      Hushh Baby White Noise

      • Features: Fan, rain, and ocean sounds, along with classic lullabies
      • Platform: iOS
      • Price: Free with in-app purchase options

      Wrapping it Up

      When it comes to dropping a nap, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. The key is to listen to your baby’s cues.

      If your baby is consistently skipping a nap or having trouble falling asleep at their usual naptime, it might be time to drop a nap.

      Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one might not work for another.

      The key is to be patient, flexible, and responsive to your baby’s needs.

      In the end, remember that this phase, like all others, is temporary.

      Before you know it, your baby will be sleeping through the night and taking longer, more restful naps during the day.