Serious Parenting

How to Teach Your Children to Keep Their Room Clean

Cam Russo
How to Teach Your Children to Keep Their Room Clean How to Teach Your Children to Keep Their Room Clean

All parents dream of their children learning to keep their rooms clean, but knowing where to start can be challenging, especially if you think your children are too young.

The good news is that even young children can learn how to pick up their toys and maintain a tidy space with the right guidance and early training.

From my own parenting experience with four children, I've learned that teaching a habit requires consistency.

If you relax and allow some slack, all the hard work can quickly unravel. However, with focused attention on five key strategies, teaching your children to keep their room clean can be easier than you think.

Here are the exact methods we've successfully used to get our younger boys' room disasters under control and teach them the valuable skill of maintaining a clean space.

5 Tips to Help Children Keep Their Room Clean

Tip 1: Everything In Its Place

Start by assigning a specific place for everything in their room. Use cubicles and fabric drawers to organize their toys, keeping like items together. Color-coordinating drawers can help children know whose drawer is whose.

When everything has a designated spot, children can understand where items belong, making it easier for them to keep their room clean.

Half the battle for a child is not knowing where things should go, so demonstrating this organization is crucial. This setup also encourages creative play and makes implementing the next tip easier.

Tip 2: Put Things Back When You Are Done

With their toys organized, children can play freely but need to learn to put things back when they’re done.

For example, allow them to play with all their Legos at once but ensure they know they can't move on to another activity without first putting the Legos away.

This rule can be flexible; for instance, they can play with army men and Lincoln Logs together but must separate and store them correctly afterward.

Tip 3: Start a Morning Routine

We all know the saying, “As your morning goes, so does the rest of your day.” Establish a morning routine that includes making the bed, handling dirty clothes, and opening curtains and blinds.

Start these habits early – with your help at first – and soon your children will be doing them independently. A clean room at the start of the day sets a positive tone and helps maintain focus throughout the day.

Tip 4: Implement a Clean-Up Time Before Dinner

Avoid leaving toys scattered on the floor when calling children to dinner. If your evenings are like ours, children may not return to their room until bedtime, when everyone is ready for them to go to sleep.

A clean-up time 30 minutes before dinner allows children to tidy their room and then help set the table. Missing this step can lead to regret later, making this tip a game-changer for maintaining a clean room.

Tip 5: Tidy Up Once a Week Together

Once a week, spend five minutes tidying up your children’s room with them. Use this time to address items that didn’t make it to their assigned places or have ended up under the bed or in the closet.

Have your child dust and vacuum while you inspect and help put things away. Mention any misplaced items to reinforce their correct locations and hold your children accountable. Consistency with this tip will reduce the need for it over time.

If you’re consistent with these tips but still struggling, consider decluttering. Remove some items temporarily or donate them. A less cluttered room is easier to maintain, helping your children develop the habit of keeping their space clean.

By focusing on these strategies, you can teach your children the important skill of maintaining a clean room, fostering a sense of responsibility and organization that will benefit them for years to come.