Homeschool Parent

How to Create a Bible Reading Plan for Kids

Cam Russo
How to Create a Bible Reading Plan for Kids How to Create a Bible Reading Plan for Kids

The Bible is one of the most important books ever written. It tells the story of God’s relationship with humanity, from creation to the end of times.

But the Bible can be a little confusing for kids, especially if they try to read it all at once. That’s why creating a Bible reading plan for kids is helpful.

A Bible reading plan can help kids better understand the order of events, who is who, and where different stories took place.

Creating a Bible Reading Plan for Your Kids

By following a reading plan, kids can get an overview of the Bible and learn more about its contents. Here are 10 tips for creating a Bible reading plan for your kids.

1: Choose a Bible Version

Choose a Bible version that is age appropriate and easy to understand. There are many versions of the Bible, so take some time to research which one would be best for your kids.

2: Decide on a Schedule

Determine how often your kids will read the Bible and what daily passages they will read. It may also be helpful to set reading goals or rewards for completing the readings.

3: Find a Designated Spot to Read

Having a spot devoted to your family’s Bible reading time lets everyone know that this activity is important to you.

Plus, it makes it more likely that everyone will participate when it’s already set up and ready to go.

Choose somewhere comfortable, like a cozy chair or bench, or even a shelf where you can keep all your materials together.

4: Make It Fun and Interactive

Make Bible reading time more interesting for your kids by incorporating props, games, and activities into the session.

For example, they could draw pictures of the stories or act out scenes with puppets after reading about them.

5: Have Your Kids Take Turns Reading

Make Bible-reading time more exciting for your kids (and help them develop their reading skills) by taking turns letting each child read.

6: Encourage Questions and Discussion

Together, discuss the Bible verses you read. Ask questions and encourage your kids to share their thoughts on what they believe the story is about.

7: Get Your Kids Involved in Church Activities

One way to help your kids grow in their faith is by attending church services with them and participating in other religious activities like Sunday School, Bible study groups, or youth groups. This will help them get to know others who share their beliefs.

8: Reward Good Behavior!

Rewarding your kids is a great way to encourage them to keep reading the Bible. When they complete certain goals or have made good progress on their reading plan, give them a special treat or take them on an outing.

9: Keep it Fresh and New!

Try to find new ways to make Bible reading more interesting. Look for different Bible stories, new activities, games, or even apps to help your kids learn more about the Bible.

10: Have Fun with It!

Bible reading is a family activity that all should enjoy. It should be a time when everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and questions.

Check out our post on Family Nativity Christmas Scavenger Hunts.

How Do I Write a Bible Reading Plan for Kids?

When it comes to getting kids interested in Bible reading, one of the best things you can do is create a reading plan tailored to their interests and abilities. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Choose a translation that is easy to understand.

If your kids are still learning to read, look for a version of the Bible that uses simple language. The NIV translation is a good option for younger kids, while older children may prefer the ESV or NKJV.

Our recommendation for NIV Bible: NIV Bible for Kids, Large Print

Our recommendation for ESV Bible: The Action Bible

Our recommendation for NKJV Bible: NKJV Study Bible for Kids

2. Devise a reading plan that fits their schedule.

Try to devise a reading plan that doesn’t require more than 15 minutes daily. Consider a shorter plan for kids with busy schedules that covers just one story per week.

3. Start with the Gospel stories.

The stories of Jesus are some of the most important in the Bible, so it’s a good idea to start there. You can find many resources online that include kid-friendly versions of these Gospel stories, like this page from Kids Corner.

4. Use visuals to help them understand.

Including pictures or illustrations with the text can help bring the stories to life for kids. There are many great resources available that engagingly combine text and visuals.

The ESV Bible we recommended above is great for this purpose because it utilizes the graphic novel/comic book approach popular with kids today to depict stories in the Bible.

5. Encourage them to ask questions.

When kids are reading, encourage them to ask questions about what they’re reading. This will help them connect with the material and understand its meaning more deeply.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What age should kids start reading the Bible?

Ultimately, the decision of when to start reading the Bible with kids is personal, and there is no wrong answer. However, it is worth considering that the earlier children are exposed to the Bible, the better equipped they will be to understand and internalize its message.

How can I teach my child to read the Bible?

Take advantage of teachable moments. If you’re watching a movie together and a character quotes scripture, talk about where that scripture is in the Bible. Or, if you’re reading a news story together about someone going through a tough time, find a related Bible story and talk about it together. Try to find creative ways to make the Bible come alive for your child.

What is a good Bible reading plan for beginners?

One popular plan is to read one chapter from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament each day. This approach provides a broad overview of the Bible while allowing readers to focus on specific passages that are particularly meaningful to them. Another option is to read through the entire Bible in a year. This plan involves reading a few chapters every day, but it can be helpful to have an overall sense of the Bible’s narrative arc.

How does a 6-year-old read the Bible?

At six years old, kids start to develop reading skills and can begin reading the Bible independently. To understand what they’re reading, it’s important for them to understand the context clearly. The Bible can be difficult to read, but many resources are available to help kids engage with the text. There are children’s Bibles that use age-appropriate language, and there are also coloring books and activity books that can help kids learn more about Bible stories.

How do you explain Jesus to a 5-year-old?

One way to approach this topic is to talk about how Jesus cared deeply about others. He spoke out against injustice and helped those who were in need. He also taught about love and forgiveness. You can explain that many people follow Jesus because they believe he can help us live better lives.
Also, I once read possibly the best explanation of Jesus to a child I’ve ever seen: “Jesus died on the cross so that everyone would be able to come to Heaven to see his Dad”. Translation: “Jesus died on the cross, wiping out all our sins and making humankind worthy of eternal life in Heaven.”

Wrapping it Up

Creating a bible reading plan benefits your child and your family. You can improve your communication skills, strengthen bonds of love and respect, and grow closer to God by making time to read together. With these tips, you can create an effective plan to make your family’s Bible time more enjoyable and meaningful.