Baby Teething Relief

10 Home Remedies for Soothing Your Teething Baby at Night

Cam Russo
10 Home Remedies for Soothing Your Teething Baby at Night 10 Home Remedies for Soothing Your Teething Baby at Night

Teething is an inevitable phase of your baby’s growth. It’s an exciting milestone, marking your little one’s progression into childhood.

But, this journey can often be turbulent, causing sleepless nights for both the baby and the parents.

This guide is here to provide you with the best home remedies for a teething baby at night, ensuring that your little one can sail through this stage with minimal discomfort!

Understanding the Teething Process

Before diving into the heart of the matter, it’s crucial to understand what teething entails.

Teething is the process where your baby’s primary teeth, also known as baby teeth or milk teeth, break through the gums.

This process typically commences anywhere between 4 to 7 months of age. However, it’s worth noting that some babies may start teething as early as 2 months or as late as 12 months.

Teething is not a one-time event but a prolonged process that lasts until your child is about 2-3 years old.

Around this age, most kids will have a full set of 20 baby teeth.

The journey may start with the occasional fussiness and drooling, gradually moving towards more sleep disruptions as more teeth start to emerge.

Recognizing the Signs of Teething

Teething symptoms can vary drastically among babies.

While some may exhibit clear signs of discomfort, others may sail through this phase with barely any noticeable symptoms.

However, some common signs can help you identify if your baby is teething:

  • Irritability or fussiness
  • Excessive drooling
  • A tendency to bite or chew on hard items
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Difficulty sleeping or disrupted sleep patterns
  • Refusal to feed due to tender gums

Remember, these symptoms are temporary and should subside once the tooth has fully emerged.

If your baby’s symptoms seem severe or persist for a prolonged period, it’s essential to consult your pediatrician.

Best Natural Teething Remedies for Baby at Night Time

When it comes to teething, every baby responds differently. What works for one might not work for another.

However, here are some tried and tested natural teething remedies to help soothe your baby at night:

1) Chilled Fruit or Veggies

If your baby is old enough to eat solids (usually around 6 months), chilled mashed fruits or veggies can provide a soothing effect to their sore gums.

You can offer chilled mashed bananas, melon, applesauce, or even cold cucumber slices.

Just ensure to supervise your baby while they’re gnawing on these items to prevent any choking hazards.

2) Cool Washcloth

A cool washcloth can be a simple yet effective remedy to soothe your baby’s teething pain.

Wet a clean washcloth, wring it out, and chill it in the fridge for a while. Once cool, offer it to your baby to chew on.

The textured fabric coupled with the cooling effect can provide instant relief to your baby’s sore gums.

3) Cool Metal Spoon

    A simple kitchen spoon can also come in handy to soothe your baby’s teething discomfort.

    Chill a small, metal spoon in the fridge for a few minutes. Once cool, gently rub the rounded side against your baby’s gums.

    The cool metal can help numb the pain and reduce swelling.

    4) Gum Massage

    A gentle gum massage can work wonders in alleviating teething discomfort.

    After washing your hands, you can use your fingers to gently massage your baby’s gums.

    The pressure from the massage can help soothe the inflamed gums and provide relief to your baby.

    5) Teething Toys

    Teething toys are a lifesaver when dealing with a teething baby.

    The act of chewing or biting on these toys can help relieve the pressure on your baby’s gums, thereby reducing discomfort.

    Opt for teething toys made of firm rubber or silicone, and avoid those with a liquid center.

    6) Extra Cuddles and Comfort

    Sometimes, all your baby needs is a little extra love and comfort.

    Cuddling or holding your baby can provide them with the comfort they need during this tough time.

    A gentle rock or a soothing lullaby can also help calm your baby and aid in sleep.

    7) Hydration

    Teething often leads to excessive drooling, which can cause dehydration in babies.

    Ensure your baby stays hydrated by offering them plenty of breast milk or formula. If your baby is older and eating solids, you can also offer them water in a sippy cup.

      8) Distraction

      Distraction can be a powerful tool in managing teething discomfort.

      Engaging your baby with a new toy or a game can help divert their attention from the pain.

      Even a simple walk outside can work wonders in lifting your baby’s mood and distracting them from their discomfort.

      9) Herbal Remedies

      If you’re looking for holistic teething solutions, certain herbal remedies, such as chamomile tea, can provide some relief to your teething baby.

      Chamomile has natural calming properties that can help soothe your baby’s discomfort.

      You can brew a weak chamomile tea and offer it to your baby in a bottle or a sippy cup.

      Always consult your pediatrician before introducing any new food or drink to your baby’s diet.

      10) Head Elevation

      Elevating your baby’s head slightly offers multiple benefits, especially when they are teething and experiencing excessive drooling.

      This simple adjustment can help reduce swelling and alleviate congestion in the nasal passages, making it easier for your baby to breathe.

      The elevation works by allowing gravity to assist in draining the fluids away from the head and neck area, thus minimizing discomfort.

      To do this safely, place a thin towel or blanket under the mattress rather than using pillows in the crib, which could pose a suffocation risk.

      By elevating the head of the mattress, you create a gentle slope that helps manage the symptoms without compromising your baby’s safety.

      This can result in a more comfortable and restful sleep for your teething baby, giving both you and your little one some much-needed relief.

      Teething Baby Nighttime Comfort Tips

      Teething can disrupt your baby’s sleep, making nights particularly challenging.

      However, incorporating the following tips into your baby’s nighttime routine can help ease their discomfort and ensure a better night’s sleep:

      • Use a Pacifier: Many babies find relief from sucking and chewing on their pacifiers while teething. You can even chill the pacifier in the fridge for a cooling effect.
      • Invest in Weighted Sleepwear: Weighted sleepwear can provide a sense of security and coziness, helping your baby drift off to sleep easier.
      • Provide Extra Comfort for Acute Teething: Acute teething is when your baby’s gums are red and swollen with a visible tooth about to emerge. During this time, providing extra comfort like feeding or rocking your baby can go a long way.
      • Stick to Your Normal Bedtime Routine: While it’s tempting to offer extra assistance to your teething baby during sleep times, it’s essential to stick to your regular bedtime routine as much as possible. Consistency is key when it comes to sleep, and deviating from your usual routine can disrupt your baby’s sleep patterns even further.

        Teething Troubles: What to Avoid

        While soothing your baby’s teething discomfort, it’s crucial to avoid certain practices that can potentially harm your baby.

        Here’s what you should steer clear of:

        • Frozen Remedies: While cold objects can help relieve teething pain, frozen items can be too hard for your baby’s delicate gums and cause more harm than good. Stick to chilled, not frozen, remedies for teething relief.
        • Teething Jewelry: Teething necklaces, bracelets, and other jewelry pose a choking and strangulation risk for babies and are best avoided.
        • Hard Teething Toys: Hard teething toys made from wood, plastic, or metal can harm your baby’s gums. Opt for soft, rubber teething toys instead.
        • Certain Medications: Before giving your baby any teething medication, always consult your pediatrician. Some over-the-counter teething gels and ointments can be harmful if swallowed in large amounts.

          When to Seek Medical Help

          Teething should not cause severe discomfort or distress to your baby.

          If your baby’s symptoms seem severe or persist for a prolonged period, it’s critical to consult your pediatrician.

          Also, contact your pediatrician if your baby has a fever (temperature higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit), diarrhea, reduced appetite, or inconsolable crying.

          These symptoms could indicate a condition other than teething and require medical attention.

          Caring for Your Baby’s New Teeth

          With those pearly whites emerging, it’s essential to start caring for your baby’s teeth right away.

          Here’s how:

          • Regular Brushing: Begin brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as they appear. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste designed for infants. Brush your baby’s teeth twice daily to keep them clean and healthy.
          • Regular Dental Check-ups: Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining your child’s oral health. The American Dental Association recommends scheduling your baby’s first dental visit within six months after the first tooth appears but no later than the child’s first birthday.

          Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

          Should you let baby sleep more when teething?

          It’s advisable to be cautious about letting your baby sleep more when teething, as the American Academy of Pediatrics notes that the discomfort from teething can actually disrupt sleep. The pain may be significant enough to wake your baby from naps or overall sleep.

          Is it OK to give my baby Tylenol for teething every night?

          Teething pain can sometimes require medication like Tylenol, which is usually safe for babies. However, since teething can last for months, continuous use of infant Tylenol isn’t advisable.

          Do babies wake up in pain when teething?

          If your baby is waking up frequently at night, teething likely isn’t the cause. Teething usually doesn’t disrupt deep sleep and often coincides with other developmental changes that could affect sleep

          What do teething cries sound like?

          A teething cry is often unique and can be identified by a distinct “Guèn” sound. This particular cry helps parents differentiate teething discomfort from other issues their baby may be experiencing.

          What time of day is teething worst?

          Teething symptoms tend to worsen at night as babies become more conscious of the pain and discomfort in the absence of daytime distractions.

          How early can babies start teething?

          Teething can start as early as 2 months or as late as 12 months. However, most babies begin teething around 6 months of age.

          Final Thoughts

          Teething is a significant milestone in your baby’s life. While it can be challenging, these natural teething remedies for babies at night can help ease your baby’s discomfort and ensure peaceful nights for both of you.

          Remember, every child is different, and it may take some trial and error to find what works best for your baby.

          Above all, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician if you’re concerned or if your baby’s symptoms seem severe.

          They can provide additional guidance and reassurance to help you navigate this milestone with ease.

          With patience, love, and a little creativity, you and your baby can make it through the teething phase smoothly.

          After all, this is just one of the many exciting phases in the incredible journey of parenting!

          The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you read in this article.