Baby Teething Relief

Egg in a Sock for Teething: Does It Work?

Cam Russo
Egg in a Sock for Teething: Does It Work? Egg in a Sock for Teething: Does It Work?

Updated 10/1/2024

If you’re a parent who’s been driven to the brink of desperation by the non-stop crying and sleepless nights caused by a teething baby, it’s not surprising that you’re ready to try just about anything.

One of the DIY teething remedies that’s been gaining traction lately is the egg in a sock.

Yes, you read it right – a raw egg in a sock. But does it actually work?

Let’s dive into the world of natural teething solutions and find out if this bizarre-sounding remedy really can offer some relief for your little one’s sore gums.

The Teething Process: A Quick Overview

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the egg in a sock teething remedy, let’s first get a handle on what teething is all about.

In a nutshell, teething is the process wherein your baby’s teeth start to break through their gums.

This usually begins around the 6-month mark but can start as early as 3 months or as late as a year.

Despite being a natural part of your baby’s development, teething can come with a host of uncomfortable symptoms for your little one.

These include:

If you’ve heard horror stories about diarrhea, vomiting, and high fever caused by teething, rest assured that these are usually more the stuff of old wives’ tales rather than scientifically proven facts.

The Egg in a Sock Teething Remedy: What Is It All About?

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter. The egg in a sock teething remedy is exactly as it sounds.

You take a raw egg (still in its shell), place it in a sock, and hang the sock in your baby’s room.

The egg should never touch the baby, and it doesn’t matter if the sock is clean or dirty.

Sound weird?

You’re not alone. Many parents initially react with disbelief when they first hear about this remedy.

However, there are countless testimonials from parents who swear by it, claiming that it’s made their babies’ teething experiences much easier to handle.

But how does it work?

The most common explanation is that the eggshell can absorb up to seven times its weight in carbon dioxide.

Some believe that carbon dioxide puts pressure on the baby’s gums, and by reducing the carbon dioxide in the room, this remedy can lessen the pressure and subsequently, the pain.

However, it’s important to note that there’s no concrete scientific evidence to back up these claims.

It’s just a theory, and some people think it’s more of a placebo effect than anything else.

What Do Parents Say?

Despite the lack of scientific proof, many parents are willing to give the egg in a sock teething remedy a shot.

The testimonials are varied, with some parents reporting immediate improvements in their babies’ teething symptoms, while others notice no difference at all.

One parent claimed that their baby was a “completely different baby” within 12 hours of hanging the egg in a sock in their room.

Another shared that they’ve used this method with all three of their kids, and despite their husband’s initial skepticism, they found it to be effective each time.

Yet another parent reported that they hung a sock with an egg in their baby’s room and, to their surprise, their baby’s teething pain seemed to disappear.

They even noted that their baby’s sleep improved, with fewer wake-ups during the night.

On the other hand, there are also parents who’ve tried this method and noticed no discernible changes in their babies’ teething symptoms.

As with most remedies, it seems that results can vary from one baby to another.



♬ original sound – THE PISCES CREW

Are There Any Risks or Downsides to Using This Remedy?

One concern that some parents have raised about the egg in a sock teething remedy is the potential for the egg to start smelling if it’s left hanging for too long.

However, according to parents who’ve used this method, you can avoid this issue by changing out the egg every three months or so.

Another potential downside is that if the remedy doesn’t work, you could end up wasting time and energy on something that doesn’t provide any real relief for your baby’s teething symptoms.

However, given that the method involves little more than a raw egg and a sock, it’s a relatively low-risk remedy to trial.

Other Natural Teething Solutions to Consider

If the egg in a sock teething remedy doesn’t work for your baby, or if you’re not quite ready to hang an egg in your baby’s room, there are plenty of other natural teething solutions you can try.

For instance, you could consider using cold objects for teething, such as a frozen washcloth or a chilled teething ring.

The cold can help numb your baby’s gums, providing some temporary relief from the discomfort of teething.

There are also certain food items that can double as DIY teething remedies. For example, you could let your baby gnaw on a large, frozen carrot (supervised, of course).

The hardness of the carrot combined with the cold can help soothe their sore gums.

Another option is to try a breast milk ice cube. This involves freezing breastmilk in an ice tray, then letting your baby suck on it.

Not only does this provide relief for their gums, but it’s also a nutritious treat!

Wrapping it Up

In conclusion, the egg in a sock teething remedy is one of those baby teething hacks that sounds strange but has gained quite a following among parents.

While there’s no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness, the sheer number of positive testimonials from parents makes it worth considering.

At the end of the day, every baby is different, and what works for one might not work for another.

If you’re interested in trying the egg in a sock teething remedy, it could be worth giving it a go.

Just remember to follow safety precautions, like changing the egg every three months, to avoid any potential issues.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you read in this article.