
Can I Bowl While Pregnant?

Cam Russo
Can I Bowl While Pregnant? Can I Bowl While Pregnant?

One question that comes up for many expecting mothers is, “Is bowling safe during pregnancy?”

The answer is a resounding “Yes, but…”

But what?

Well, there are certain precautions and considerations that pregnant women need to keep in mind before hitting the bowling alley.

So let’s dive in to learn more!

Bowling During Pregnancy: An Overview

Bowling is a popular sport worldwide. It’s a low-impact activity that doesn’t involve intense running or shoving.

However, bowling requires a certain level of physical strength and balance, especially when handling the ball’s weight.

The good news is, if you were an avid bowler before your pregnancy, you can typically continue bowling while pregnant, albeit with some modifications and precautions.

However, as with any physical activity during pregnancy, it’s crucial to listen to your body and consult with your healthcare provider before continuing or starting a new exercise routine.

Risks of Bowling During Pregnancy

While bowling is generally considered safe during pregnancy, there are certain risks associated with it.

Pregnancy causes various physical changes in a woman’s body, including loosening of joints and ligaments, shifting of the center of gravity, and increased physical strain.

Joint Loosening

The hormone relaxin, which increases throughout pregnancy, causes ligaments and joints to loosen.

This can make pregnant women more susceptible to strains and sprains.

Bowling involves lifting and swinging a heavy ball, which could potentially cause strain on the back and other joints.

Changes in the Center of Gravity

As the baby grows, a woman’s center of gravity shifts. This can affect balance and coordination, both of which are crucial to bowling.

The slick bowling lanes and the swinging motion of bowling can also increase the risk of slips and falls.

Physical Strain

Bowling involves lifting a heavy ball and bending down to release it.

Depending on the weight of the bowling ball and the specific bowling technique, this can put additional strain on an already strained back and can lead to discomfort or injury.

Tips for Bowling Safely While Pregnant

Despite these potential risks, bowling can still be enjoyed safely during pregnancy by following certain guidelines.

  • Choose a Lighter Ball: The weight of a bowling ball can range from 6 to 16 pounds. During pregnancy, it is generally recommended not to lift more than 20 pounds. Therefore, pregnant women should opt for a lighter bowling ball. This will reduce the physical strain and the risk of injury.
  • Use Proper Bowling Techniques: Using proper bowling techniques can help prevent injuries. Keep the back straight and bend at the knees when lifting and releasing the ball. Avoid twisting or jerking movements that could cause strain or discomfort.
  • Take Breaks and Listen to your Body: It’s important to listen to your body and take breaks when needed. If you feel fatigued or experience any discomfort, stop bowling and rest..
  • Wear Comfortable Clothing and Shoes: Comfort is key when bowling during pregnancy. Wear loose, stretchy clothing that doesn’t restrict movement. Bowling shoes should provide good support for your feet and fit well to prevent slips and falls. Consider using comfort insoles for added support.
  • Never Bowl Alone: Always bowl with a partner who can assist if you start feeling dizzy or light-headed. This partner can also keep an eye out for any potential hazards, such as slick spots on the bowling alley floor.
  • Avoid Slippery Surfaces: Be careful not to cross over into the bowling lanes, as they can be slippery.
  • Stay Hydrated: Bring a water bottle and sip regularly to stay hydrated.
  • Watch Your Step: Be mindful of any potential tripping hazards, like bowling bags or equipment.

    Benefits of Bowling During Pregnancy

    Bowling can be a great form of exercise, even during pregnancy. It can help boost your mood, improve flexibility, and relieve stress.

    However, it’s crucial to bowl safely and responsibly, and always consult your doctor before heading to the lanes.

    Despite the potential risks, bowling offers several benefits for pregnant women.

    Improved Flexibility and Stamina

    Bowling can help improve flexibility and stamina. It’s a low-impact exercise that can help alleviate some pregnancy symptoms such as back pain and joint stiffness.

    Stress Relief

    Pregnancy can be a stressful time for many women. Exercise, including bowling, can help relieve stress and improve mood.

    Social Interaction

    Bowling is a social activity that can be enjoyed with friends and family. This can help pregnant women feel more connected and supported during their pregnancy.

    Bowling in the First Trimester

    Bowling in the first trimester is generally considered safe as long as you feel comfortable and your healthcare provider gives you the green light.

    However, be aware of your body’s changes and take it easy.

    Bowling in the Third Trimester

    In the third trimester, your growing belly significantly alters your center of gravity, making you more prone to losing balance.

    Therefore, extra caution should be taken while bowling during this period.

    Consider using a ball ramp and wrist support to minimize strain and avoid bending over too much.

    Exercises Similar to Bowling: Alternatives to Consider

    If your healthcare provider gives you the thumbs down for bowling during pregnancy, don’t fret!

    There are numerous other activities that are not only safe but also beneficial for you and your growing baby.

    Here’s a rundown of some fantastic alternatives:

    Prenatal Yoga

    • Why It’s Great: Prenatal yoga focuses on gentle stretching and breathing exercises, making it a perfect low-impact alternative.
    • Benefits: Improves flexibility, reduces stress, and helps prepare your body for labor.
    • Safety Tips: Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen. Make sure to attend classes led by certified prenatal yoga instructors.


    • Why It’s Great: The buoyancy of water reduces the impact on your joints, providing a safe environment for exercise.
    • Benefits: Builds cardiovascular fitness, tones muscles, and can help alleviate swelling and discomfort.
    • Safety Tips: Opt for a well-maintained and chlorinated pool to minimize the risk of infection. Avoid diving or jumping into the water.

    Brisk Walking

    • Why It’s Great: Walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise and can be done almost anywhere.
    • Benefits: Increases cardiovascular endurance, tones your legs, and improves mood.
    • Safety Tips: Wear supportive footwear and avoid uneven terrain to minimize the risk of falls.

    Stationary Biking

    • Why It’s Great: A stationary bike provides a controlled environment for low-impact cardio.
    • Benefits: Enhances cardiovascular health and tones your lower body.
    • Safety Tips: Adjust the seat and handlebars to a comfortable height to avoid straining your back.


    • Why It’s Great: Pilates can be modified to suit your needs and is excellent for building core strength.
    • Benefits: Strengthens your core, improves posture, and enhances flexibility.
    • Safety Tips: As with yoga, opt for classes led by instructors certified in prenatal Pilates.

    Light Weightlifting

    • Why It’s Great: Light weightlifting can help maintain muscle tone during pregnancy.
    • Benefits: Builds strength and stamina, which can be beneficial during labor.
    • Safety Tips: Use lighter weights and perform more repetitions, rather than lifting heavy weights. Always consult your healthcare provider first.

    Aqua Aerobics

    • Why It’s Great: This combines the benefits of water buoyancy with a full-body workout.
    • Benefits: Cardiovascular fitness, muscle toning, and reduced impact on joints.
    • Safety Tips: Ensure the class is suitable for pregnant women and led by a certified instructor.

    Wrapping it Up

    So, is bowling safe during pregnancy? The answer largely depends on your individual circumstances and doctor’s advice.

    If you were an avid bowler before pregnancy and your doctor gives you the go-ahead, you can continue to enjoy this low-impact sport.

    However, it’s crucial to listen to your body, adjust your technique as necessary, and prioritize safety above all.

    The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you read in this article.